How to Upload Files to Zimbra Briefcase

Step 1: Login to Zimbra webmail

Step 2: Click on the Briefcase tab in the top menu bar and click on 'Upload File'

Step 3: In the window 'Upload New Files to Briefcase' click on the 'Choose files' button. This will open a popup window.

Step 4: In the File selection window, you should be able to select multiple files to upload at once. Usually you do this by clicking on one file - then holding down the shift key to highlight a selection of files to upload.

Step 5: The number of files you have chosen to upload should be displayed in the 'Upload New Files to Briefcase' pop up window.

Step 6: Once the files have been upload, you should be able to see them in the main window

Related Article:

How to Download Files from Zimbra Drive