Creating a Distribution List

To create a new distribution list from Zimbra webmail UI:

Step1: Click on the 'Contacts' tab - 2nd from left

Step 2: In the 'New Contact' bar, click on the drop-down arrow at the right of the bar

Step 3: Click on 'Distribution List' option

You can now create a new distribution list for the domain

Step 4: Enter the email address for the list

From the right hand panel, add some members to the new list

You can also add external email address to the list in the second pane

Step 5: After adding email addresses to the list, click on the 'Distribution List Properties' tab

Step 6: In the 'Display Name' field, enter a name for the list, and set the other properties for the list as needed.

Step 7: When finished, click on the 'Save' button at the top of the screen under 'Mail' tab.

Related Articles:

Editing a Distribution List